
Surgical interventions or conservative treatments of the head, face and neck are performed due to the following reasons:

For example, with the diagnosis of a

Skin malignancy like basal cell carcinoma, spinalioma or melanoma

the areas have to be widely excised. The resulting defects have to be reconstructed. For the plastic surgeon the face in particular is always a challenge, because everywhere where the surgeon has operated will be visible. On the face it is difficult to hide scars or disharmonious structure or flaps. The aim of every reconstructive operation will be first of all, to preserve the aesthetics and harmony of the face and head and secondly, the function of the involved part. To be able to produce good results, it is mandatory for the plastic surgeon to have exact and precise knowledge about the anatomy of the different layers as well as the vascularisation in the face, head and neck. Furthermore, a distinct fine technique during the dissections and excellent suture technique are essential for achieving good results and for the patients to being able to look into the mirror.

Particularly this counts for all operations due to aesthetic reasons and desires.

Especially in eye lid corrections

– like hooded eyes

– or bags under so.’s eyes,

but also in: 

Face and neck lift surgeries

It is inevitable to produce no visible scars and to keep the naturnalness and expressiveness of a patient’s face. The same applies to conservative treatments such as: 

1. Botulinum toxin injections

2. Fillers

3. Or treatments with own blood and plasma (PRP).

Bearing all these in mind, excellent and rewarding results for both the aesthetic and the reconstructive patient can be achieved in the hands of an experienced master of his field.